How to use AdMeta WebApp
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AdMeta WebApp is built for users to better interact with AdMeta Blockchains. Now it supports AdMeta Testnet by default. Below are a few steps to introduce the basic functionalities.
Go to to launch the WebApp.
Click the button "Connect to Polkadot.js" on the top right to authorize this web app with your Polkadot.js wallet extension and select the account you want to sign in to AdMeta.
After successfully singed in, you will see a dashboard indicating a summary of your ad related data. This dashboard is still under construction.
Before doing any further operations, you need first to have a sufficient balance in your account. Please join our Telegram group to ask for some testnet tokens.
In the AdMeta network, anyone can be an advertiser, to promote their own products, their on-sale NFTs, or even to promote themselves for jobs, etc. You can create an ad proposal easily with AdMeta WebApp.
Switch to the tab "Ad Management" on the left sidebar, and you will see the ad proposals created by you if you have already done any. If not you can simply click "Publish new ad" to create one.
Follow the steps of ad proposal creation. First, you need to upload an image of your ad design. This image will be uploaded to IPFS. Also, you need to specify the related parameters of your proposal, for an explanation of these parameters please refer to After this, you can preview this ad, and submit it if everything is correct.
A sign request is prompted at this time to send an ad proposal transaction, and after signing and sending this transaction, you will see the ad proposal appear on your ad lists with the status "Pending". This means it is not approved yet. You have done it successfully now!
Ad Approval can be only done by AdMeta council, with a manual review of ad contents. You can ask for the approval of your ad in our Telegram and we will help you to approve your ads. After approval, the "Pending" status will become "Approved", and your ad will be published for everyone on AdMeta Network!
Creating AdMeta user profile allows you to match ads that suit your preferences and earn rewards. Switch to the tab "Profile" to create your own user profile.
Fill out your information and click "Submit", and after signing this transaction, your profile is created on AdMeta Network.
Ad matching happens during the idle and less busy time of AdMeta Blockchain, and it's done automatically without any inputs from either users or advertisers. Switch to the tab "Ad Display" to check if you have any matched ads now.
If you have matched ads, you will see it like this:
Click the button under the ad display, and you will be navigated to an advertiser-customized page, to complete a series of challenges.
The challenges can be defined and built by advertisers with AdMeta SDK. Possible challenges are wallet connecting of new products, product intro video watching, joining the project telegram group, buying an NFT of certain collections on OpenSea, etc.
After completing all required tasks, you are eligible to claim your reward. Click "Claim rewards" and you will be navigated back to your AdMeta WebApp page. And now your rewards have been claimed to your own wallet.